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The Style of Writing - Announcing a New Collection

Announcing a new collection: Writing Instruments!

It's been a long time since I posted here. I've been very busy doing what I do best -- drilling down into a new subject and trying to bring into existence! 

This time, my curiosity led me to the world of pen-turning. Using a lathe, which is like a rotisserie that's moving at 3200 revolutions per minute, a rectangular shape is made round by use of different shaped chisels. Once it has been rounded, it becomes the barrel (sometimes 2 barrels) of a pen. 

I am turning resin and/or wood "blanks" into the vastly different sizes, shapes and styles of pens you can see in the photos. Endless possibilities, which is what any artist loves! 

The finished pen might be made of an assortment of beautiful woods, or colorful resin which may have metallic or mica chips in it for a dazzling effect. Some pens have both wood and colorful resin. I hope that there's a pen to capture the imagination of everyone! 

I am in production mode for the rest of the summer, with the goal of bringing a huge assortment to the numerous fall and holiday markets that I'll be participating in, in the coming months. Visit the Writing Instruments Collection and have a look! I'm adding to the collection almost daily, so please check back often!

If you'd like to stay informed of new creations, please be sure to join the Spirited Touch Designs newsletter on the home page. 

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